Wednesday, September 2

People Still Want To Look At Kate Moss

You know who i NEVER see? Kate Moss, just so underrated. I'm almost never exhausted of seeing her on every page of Vanity Fair. Just never.
So in the spread for V Magazine, they have this gypsy theme photo shoot including shots of Kate riding a horse, playing with fire & being allowed around children (does anyone else think that the parents of those children didn't know that Kate Moss would be there? Because I'm pretty sure if they knew, those kids would be wearing mouth-guards and holding mace somewhere in their gypsy costumes). The other parts of the spread include a topless photo (because apparently no one has tired of seeing Kate Moss nipples), which i didn't find it necessary to share... not like we haven't seen it.
Don't get me wrong, i love this shoot, i love the styling, but could V Magazine be less creative in finding a model? Isn't anyone sick of watching Kate Moss sprawl about with that fucking indifferent and brain dead look over and over again? Anyone?

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