Saturday, September 19

Birkies: No Longer For Disgruntled Lesbians.

I am seeing the infamous Birkenstock EVERYWHERE lately, on the streets, on boutique employee's... but the one place i thought i'd never find bra burning foot wear was on the Sartorialist Blog (Which is the best fashion blog on the winternet, it's beyond compare.) While old european men and models have been showing off new looks for fall, these two dear women showed that you can work comfortable footwear wether you're grabbing a paper and running into moving traffic, or mounting the back of a vespa after you've vandalized a building.

I'd be lying if i said that i didn't wonder wether or not the sudden popularity of this shoe wasn't somehow connected to the less sudden partiality to spine deformation due to the lack of physical movement our lazy ass culture promotes.

Curiouser & Curiouser.

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